Mind Is Body Medicine

Mind Is Body Medicine



"When I first started coming to Anney it was for an acute elbow injury that turned into a sports related shoulder strain that I had been dealing with for a year. My elbow and shoulder were so strained that I could barely hold something in my right arm much less hit a volleyball. After a one hour and fifteen minute treatment, I was able to hit a ball the next day with minimal pain. After my second treatment, it was almost as if the injury had never happened. The strain and the inflammation were gone. I have continued with bi-weekly treatments and the results are amazing. I have never before felt my body completely free of aches and pains. My balance and mental clarity are significantly improved and best of all, when I'm playing volleyball my shoulder feels like it did when I was 25. I would recommend Craniosacral therapy to anyone with any kind of pain, whether it be acute, postural, arthritis or sports related injuries. I am continually amazed at what it is doing to my body. Anney and Craniosacral therapy are one of the biggest blessings in my life as I'm able to perform and operate on a day to day basis completely pain free. "

- Tracy W.

“Cranio-sacral therapy has awakened parts of my body and mind that were otherwise paralyzed or undiscovered. I was introduced to this work and Anney as an alternative method of healing, in an attempt to expunge the trauma my body was storing. The combined work of Cranio-sacral therapy and Anney's healing hands has changed my life. This integrative work allows my body to naturally restore its balance and elicits an energy that promotes a conversation between my body, mind and spirit that would not otherwise happen. The work empowers my subconscious and has given me freedom to trust my own awareness. Anney is an intuitive healer and has a keen sensibility, imperative for this kind of deep healing. I have found peace in this therapy like none other, as it gives my body and mind the opportunity and freedom to negotiate my own powerful healing. I am grateful to Anney for her guidance and commitment on my personal journey of being the best version of myself. She is an integral part of my healing.”

- Leah S.

"Anney worked with both of our daughters when they were infants.  The process of being born is rough on their little bodies. So many ancient cultures have traditions to help infants’ bodies recover from birth and adjust to the world outside of the womb. Craniosacral was a gentle and effective way to help our daughters adjust and ease their digestive issues (colic and reflux) and with their frequent ear infections. Anney was amazing with both of our girls. Her patient, intuitive and caring approach made our babies feel relaxed in her arms. After a treatment they would usually sleep very soundly. We were able to avoid giving them medications and they are both doing great now!


In addition to the other medical concerns, our youngest child developed a moderately flattened skull (she was premature). Anney worked on her every week and we were able to avoid using the helmet for reshaping. Thank you Anney!"

-Dana P.

“I would like to advise anyone with health problems and in pain to contact Anney Bennett. She is an excellent craniosacral therapist! Anney has done wonders for me. I'm no longer in pain and I'm able to walk as I like and even climb stairs. (I had severe sciatic problems for over six months.) Anney had me "up and running" in three one-hour visits. WITHOUT DRUGS!! You won’t regret trying craniosacral therapy.”

- Evelyn B.

"My friend recommended that I contact Anney when my infant was about four weeks old. She had never latched properly and I was pumping bottles around the clock. It was a nightmare for the whole family. Anney came to our house and worked with me and the baby for about 45 minutes. It didn't look like a whole lot was going on, but about an hour after Anney left, she latched on perfectly for the first time and has been happily nursing ever since. I was so amazed I couldn't actually believe it at first. I could never have imagined it possible for this issue that had overwhelmed our lives for a month to change so fast. We've continued to work with Anney for other difficulties, from colic to sleeplessness, even my husband's headaches. Craniosacral therapy has genuinely changed our lives."

- Marie L.

"After a car accident which resulted in a concussion, I had constant headaches for over two months. I went to see Anney for craniosacral therapy and after only one session, I had a major decrease in the frequency and severity of the headaches. She recommended that I have three more sessions within the next two to three weeks, so I did. By the time I had the fourth session I was completely pain free. Not only that, the fuzzy unfocused feeling I'd had since the incident completely dissipated and I felt clear-headed and back to normal. I've continued to go for CST every month or so for all of its great benefits."

-Mark P.

*If you would like to share your craniosacral experience, please submit a testimonial via email to anney.bennett@gmail.com *