Welcome to Craniosacral Charleston
At any given time the body is working intelligently to maintain
health and homeostasis.
Craniosacral work is a gentle and effective holistic therapeutic
modality that aims to facilitate this inherent intelligence by working
with the Craniosacral System: the bones of the cranium, spine and
sacrum, and the fluids and tissues of the central nervous system.
By gently releasing restrictions and tension patterns, craniosacral work
aims to optimize central nervous system functionality and restore
alignment, balance and ease to the entire body.
My belief is in the blood and flesh as being
wiser than the intellect. The body-unconscious
is where life bubbles up in us. It is how we
know that we are alive, alive to the depths
of our souls and in touch somewhere with the
vivid reaches of the cosmos.
-D. H. Lawrence